Getting Started: Introduction to Talent Insights

Updated by Amy Thomas

What is Talent Insights?

Talent Insights is a powerful feature within Criteria’s platform that helps organizations improve engagement and performance by empowering teams with insights designed to drive self-awareness, communication, and collaboration. Talent Insights uses Criteria’s personality assessment to provide managers, individuals, and teams with objective insights into their work, communication, and interaction styles. Click here to learn more.

Click here to download our Talent Insights brochure, which provides a quick overview of the benefits of using this tool in your organization.

Who is Talent Insights for?

Talent Insights is for any organization, team or group seeking deeper insight into the work and communication styles of its members. It can be used by managers, teams or individuals looking to improve their communication and collaboration with others.

Who can access Talent Insights?

Talent Insights is available to all Criteria customers with an active subscription. As a Criteria customer with an active subscription, you can invite as many employees within your organization to use Talent Insights as you need. The more employees using Talent Insights, the more rich insight you gain on your teams, so we recommend encouraging as many employees to join as possible.

How can I use Talent Insights?

How you use Talent Insights will depend on your role within your organization and your goal.

For individual employees, Talent Insights is a fantastic tool for helping each member of your organization gain deeper awareness of their strengths and opportunities for development. Individuals can learn more about their colleagues’ work and communication styles and get actionable tips for effective collaboration.

For people managers, Talent Insights provides a better understanding of your teams’ dynamics, their collective strengths and potential gaps. With deep insight into each team member’s attributes, managers are better equipped to develop strong, authentic relationships and provide more tailored team integration and onboarding.

Remember the more employees using Talent Insights, the more rich insight you gain on your teams! Invite as many employees as you would like and encourage your people to create and join teams too.

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