
About Paylocity
Paylocity is an award-winning provider of cloud-based HR and payroll software solutions. Paylocity offers an intuitive, easy-to-use product suite that helps businesses automate and streamline HR and payroll processes, attract and retain talent, and build culture and connection with their employees.
How does the integration work?
- Assessment Packages, made up of Assessments, a Video Interview or a combination of the two, are created as Jobs in the Criteria platform and then made available in Paylocity by performing a sync from the Criteria platform.
- Candidates may be automatically invited to complete testing upon submission of their application form.
- Candidates may be invited manually at the appropriate time in the recruitment process, either one at a time or in bulk.
- In the case of Assessments, once the applicant has completed, their scores and report are available to view in Paylocity.
- For Video Interviews, the Evaluator(s) are notified once the interview has been completed. An evaluator may click the link in the email or from the report available in Paylocity to access the Criteria platform and complete their evaluations and recommendations.
- Once the minimum number of evaluators has been reached, the Video Interview Score and Recommendation will be available in Paylocity.
- When you make changes to your Jobs in Criteria, remember to navigate to the Integrations menu in Criteria and sync the Jobs to Paylocity for the changes to take effect there. Access this from your avatar icon at the top right in the Criteria platform.
- SMS invitation and reminders are not supported as Paylocity does not provide the candidate mobile number to Criteria.
- If you have multiple company ID with Paylocity, the integration needs to be enabled for them all.
What can the integration do?
How much does it cost to set up an integration with Paylocity? Are there any ongoing costs with the integration? | Customer will need to purchase the Paylocity Recruiting product to have access to Assessments and the Criteria integration. There may be costs associated with setting up and maintaining an integration with your Paylocity account. Please reach out to your Criteria account manager for further information. |
Time to integrate | 2 business days |
Can I trial the integration before I purchase? | Criteria customers must have a paid subscription before an integration can be created. |
How do Criteria Packages appear in the ATS? | Criteria Jobs are presented as Packages in Paylocity. When changes are made to your Jobs in Criteria, use the Sync button in Criteria to update Paylocity. |
Does the integration support assessment and video interviews? | It certainly does! The integration supports Video Interview packages, Video Interview and Assessments together in the same package and Live Interview packages. |
Can I send multiple candidates an invitation at the same time? | Yes, you can invite candidates in bulk from the candidate list in a Paylocity Job. Simply tick all the candidates you wish to invite, go to Bulk Actions and choose Assign Assessment. |
Can I use multiple rounds of testing in my job? | Yes, multiple Criteria packages can be issued to the same candidate. The first package may be issued automatically after application, after that you can manually assign Criteria packages to a candidate whenever you wish. The Paylocity Job can only be associated with 1 package so subsequent packages will need to be selected manually at time of invitation. |
Can I re-use my candidates' previous results for a new job? | Yes, if you have the Reuse Results function enabled in your Criteria account, Criteria will automatically copy your candidates' existing results to new jobs when they are invited to the same assessments. When this option is set, the system will automatically identify if a match is found between the candidate and any existing results for the same assessments. |
How are the invitations sent? | Testing may be issued automatically when a candidate submits their application form. Testing may also be issued manually by using the Assign Assessment option for one candidate or in bulk, as required. In all cases, the invitation is immediate, and the email communications are handled by Criteria. An invitation email will be sent, and a reminder will be sent according to your account configuration in Criteria. This integration does not support sending SMS invitations and reminders. |
Can I send assessments in-line with application? | Yes, testing can be triggered automatically after applying in Paylocity. The candidate will receive an email from Criteria to complete their testing. |
When can I see my candidates' results? | The scores will appear in your Paylocity account immediately once the candidate has completed all assessments in the package. |
What information will I see for my candidates' results? | For assessments, the following values are provided: Talent Signal, Met Score Ranges, main overall scores and validity indicators per-test For video interviews, the following values are provided: overall score and recommendations A link to the live score report is provided. Dynamic Score Reports are also supported. Please contact your Criteria account manager to learn more. |
Can I invite candidates without sending their personally identifiable information (PII) to Criteria? | No, Criteria requires the candidate's name and email address in order to send them the invitation email. |
How do I get started with the integration?
Are you an existing Criteria Platform customer? To enable the integration, please contact our Customer Success Team.
Interesting in becoming a customer? Then speak to our sales team today.
Working with your integration
Already have an active integration between your Paylocity account and Criteria? We have created a guide to help you make the most out of it. Click here to view the Integration Guide.