Talent Signal
Criteria’s Talent Signal helps you prioritize candidates by giving your recruitment teams an additional data point to rank multiple candidates for a job.
Talent Signal is best suited to recruitment teams operating in high-volume hiring situations, where it may not be effective – or even possible – to review each candidate’s assessment performance in detail.
Talent Signal uses a weighted average of performance on assessments and structured interviews to help calculate a single rank score for a candidate, which you can use to prioritize candidates for your hiring managers.
While Talent Signal offers an easy way to prioritize candidates, please note that it should not be considered as the sole basis for a recruitment decision. In all cases, you should consider all available information about a candidate, including their performance on individual assessments and interviews, when deciding who to progress.
How is Talent Signal Calculated?
When a candidate takes multiple assessments in a test battery, and completes structured interviewing, a single weighted score combining their scores will be automatically calculated using the percentile or the percent matched. The weights are as follows:
Assessment Category | Assessments | Weighting |
Cognitive | CCAT, UCAT, GAME, Cognify, CMRA, CBST, CAST | 1.0 |
Personality, Risk, EI | EPP, Emotify, Illustrait, WPP, WSP, WAA | 0.75 |
Other | Skills, TestMaker | 0.0 |
Video Interview | Video Interview | 1.0 |
Live Interview | Live Interview | 1.0 |
The divisor is the sum of the weights.
Multiple Scores
For situations where there are multiple scores for a single assessment, the Talent Signal is calculated using the score for the most recent assessment.
When there are no weighted assessments in a battery, and no structured interviews have been completed, no Talent Signal is calculated. Each assessment will stand alone.
Turning Talent Signal On/Off
For your organization
Talent Signal is an optional feature that is defaulted to “on” in your system. Note that the structured interviewing is automatically included in the Talent Signal for jobs created from July 7, 2023 onwards.
Your company’s Admin Users are the only users who have permissions to turn on or turn off the Talent Signal. Admins can turn Talent Signal on or off at the company level, in Company Preferences. When the Talent Signal is turned off, it will not be visible in app, on the candidate summary, in reports, or in the results email.

At the job level
You can change the Talent Signal options to be used for a specific job, including ones created prior to July 7, 2023. In the job, go to the Job Settings page. Scroll down to Candidate Management and click Edit next to Talent Signal.

Toggle on the evaluation tools you want to contribute to the Talent Signal, then click Save.

How to view the Talent Signal
When it is turned on, the Talent Signal is visible in the following areas:
- Candidate Card
- Candidate Summary
- Result Email Summary
- Reports in the Manage Tab (for a downloadable CSV file)
Candidate Summary
When the Talent Signal is turned on, you will see the candidate’s Talent Signal as a separate score on HTML and PDF versions of the Candidate Summary Report.
You will also see which assessments and/or structured interviewing were used to calculate the Talent Signal in a dynamic footnote on the Summary, which will say “The Talent Signal is based on a weighted average of the following scores: …”

When the Talent Signal is turned on, you will see candidates’ Talent Signal in the Results section on the Candidate Card and in the Candidate Summary.

Note that structured interviewing will only be included in the Talent Signal once the minimum number of evaluators have submitted their ratings.
Sort by Talent Signal
In the Results section, you can sort all candidates for a job by their Talent Signal from highest to lowest.

Filter by Talent Signal
You can filter by the Talent Signal in the Results section, when filtering by Advanced Filters.

Results email
When the Talent Signal is turned on, you will see the single score in the score summary in the body of the results email for each candidate who has completed an event. For additional details, full score reports of each assessment are provided as email attachments.
You will also see which assessments and/or structured interviewing were used to calculate the Talent Signal in a dynamic footnote in the results email.
Manage Reports
You can add a Talent Signal column to a custom report. After running a report which includes the Talent Signal, sort by the Talent Signal column. You will also be able to download a CSV file of the report sorted by Talent Signal.