Reviewing Candidate Video Interviews

Updated by Sean Welch

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Once your candidates have completed the video interviews you can evaluate and review their responses.

View a quick walkthrough video below.

Evaluating Video Interview Responses

On your Dashboard page are two tabs:

  • Incoming Candidates shows candidates who have recently completed assessments for you.
  • Video Interview Candidates shows candidates who have recently completed their video interview for you.

  1. Select the Interview: Click on the Video Interview Candidates tab to view a list of candidates who have recently completed their video interview. The number in the screenshot above indicates how many interviews are still pending evaluation. You will only be able to see candidates who are to be evaluated for a job where you have been assigned as an evaluator.
    1. Candidates whose video interview responses have been evaluated will have a status of Evaluated. Click See Scores to view the candidate's scores for the video interview.
    2. Candidates whose video interview responses have not yet been evaluated will have a status of Pending. Click Evaluate to open the modal and rate the candidate's responses. Unless you have chosen to hide candidate feedback comments in your job settings, these will appear at the top of the screen. Scroll down to view all of the responses.
  2. Review the responses:
    1. Question and response: Click Play to watch the candidate's response to the question located above it. By clicking in the bottom right-hand corner, you can speed up or slow down the video playback. Speeding up the playback can be useful if you have a large number of video interviews to review.
    2. Rating and Comments: Rate each candidate response from 1 to 5 stars and add any comments. The optional Evaluation Guide is displayed here.
    3. Final Comments: Beneath the last question recording for the interview, enter some notes into Final Comments on your impression of the candidate along with any other comments. 
    4. Recommendation: Select your overall Recommendation rating for the candidate, based on their interview responses: Yes, No or Maybe.
  3. Finish Evaluating: The page will save your responses as you enter them, but once you have completed all required fields, the Finish Evaluating button will become available. Click Finish Evaluating to submit your rating and comments for the candidate.
    1. WARNING: Any notes or ratings, including the overall Recommendation, cannot be changed once you have submitted your evaluation. You will be able to return and view the candidate's video responses again later if you need to (via the Results tab), however, be sure you have all the information you'd like included before finishing the evaluation.

Reviewing Evaluated Video Interviews

  1. To view all the candidates you have invited to complete a video interview, locate the job in your Criteria account and click on it. This will take you to the Results screen for the job.
  2. Click on the pipeline stage that contains the video interviewing step (indicated by the video icon). Clicking on an option in the Event Status section list will the candidates who have been Invited, are In Progress or have Completed their interview.
  1. In the Completed section, click on a candidate's name to view their details. In the Results tab, click Video Interview and select Evaluators from the dropdown.
  2. If you are an evaluator in the job and haven't already, click Evaluate Interview to open the video interview results modal and rate the candidate's responses.
  3. If all required evaluators have submitted their reviews, the candidate's scores will be visible. The Total Score will appear in the Summary section in the Results tab and is an overall percentage across all evaluators. 
    1. If the required evaluations have not all been completed, the score fields will be blank unless you are an admin. Only admins are able to see scores before all evaluations have been completed. Other types of users will only see dashes and no evaluator comments in this section until all required evaluations are complete and the scores have been posted.
  4. To view the scores and comments for each question, click Video Interview and select Score from the dropdown. You can expand each question by clicking the down arrow on the right to view each evaluators response.
  5. If you need a reminder of how the candidate responsed you can review their responses by clicking Review Responses in the Video Interview tab on the candidate card. You will not be able to change the ratings or comments you have entered.

Viewing and Sharing Results

If your access role in your Criteria account has Viewing Results permission, you can view and share candidates' responses for video interviews without needing to be added as an Evaluator in the job. If you are not an admin user, you will need to have the job shared with you to view it and any candidates associated with it.

Go to the job and view the list of candidates. Click Review Responses in the Video Interview tab in the candidate card to open a modal containing the candidate's responses to the video interview questions.

Note that you will not be able to add ratings or comments to these results, but you can share them with others.

Next Steps

You can share your preferred candidates' video interview responses with hiring managers and generate reports on your candidates' video interview results.

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