
How does the integration work?
- 'Criteria Packages', made up of Assessments, a Video Interview or a live interview, are created as Jobs in the Criteria platform and then made available in Ashby. The list is automatically updated when you make changes to your Jobs in Criteria.
- A Criteria package is associated with a Stage on the Ashby Job. When a candidate is moved into that Stage the Criteria activity will be added to the candidate. If you are using Automation, this activity will be started automatically with Criteria, otherwise, you will need to manually click the Start Assessment button in Ashby to trigger the request to Criteria.
- A Criteria package may also be manually triggered from the Candidate at any time by using the New Activity button.
- Once a candidate has completed the Criteria assessment(s), their results will be available in Ashby.
- For candidates who have completed a Video Interview the Evaluator(s) will be emailed by Criteria to complete their evaluation of the video interview. Once the minimum number of evaluators has been reached, the Video Interview Score and Recommendation will be available in Ashby and via the Criteria score report.
What can the integration do?
How much does it cost to set up an integration with Ashby? Are there any ongoing costs with the integration? | As a Standard integration, this is a complimentary service for our clients. It will require you to be on our Professional Tier (a lower tier does not provide all functionality). Please reach out to your Criteria account manager for further information To learn more about any potential costs relating to Ashby, we recommend contacting your account manager at Ashby. |
Time to integrate | Criteria require two business days from sign-off to create the integration with your Ashby account. |
Can I trial the integration before I purchase? | Criteria customers must have a paid subscription before an integration can be created. |
Does the integration support assessment and video interviews? | Yes, the integration supports Assessments, Video Interview, and Live Interview. |
Can I send multiple candidates an invitation at the same time? | Yes, if Automate on Stage Entry is enabled on the Assessment Configuration in the stage, when you bulk-move candidates into the Stage associated with Criteria testing, the candidates will be automatically invited. If Automate on Stage Entry is not enabled, you will need to manually click the Start Assessment button for each candidate once they have been moved into the Stage. |
Can I use multiple rounds of testing in my job? | Yes, you can configure multiple Stages of the Interview Plan with a Criteria package. |
Can I reuse my candidates' previous results for a new job? | Yes, if you have the Reuse Results function enabled in your Criteria account, you can copy your candidates' existing results to new jobs. When this option is set, the system will automatically identify if a match is found between the candidate and any existing results for the same assessments. |
How are the invitations sent? | The Criteria package is associated with a Stage in Ashby. If you enable Automate on Stage Entry the Criteria package will be triggered automatically when the candidate is moved into the Stage. Otherwise, you will need to manually click the Start Assessment button for the Ashby candidate before the candidate will be invited in Criteria. When the request is sent to Criteria to create the assessment event, Criteria will invite the candidate and send the candidate an invitation email. The Job Settings will be used to invite the candidate e.g expiry date, email template etc. A reminder email will be sent according to the settings in your Criteria account. In the case of a live interview there is no immediate action for the candidate, they will need to be contacted to schedule an interview. When the candidate is created in Criteria, the evaluators will be emailed, rather than the candidate. |
Can I send assessments in-line with application? | Yes, if you add a Criteria Assessment to the Application Review stage in Ashby, and enable automation, the candidate will be automatically invited to the Criteria package after they submit their application form. |
When can I see my candidates' results? | Assessment results are available in your Ashby account as soon as the candidate has completed all the assessments in the package. Video Interview and Live Interview results are available once the minimum number of evaluations have been submitted. |
What information will I see for my candidates' results? | For assessments, the following values are provided: Talent Signal, Score Ranges message, main score(s) per assessment. For video and live interviews, the following values are provided: Interview Score and Recommendations Dynamic Score Reports are also supported. Please contact your Criteria account manager to learn more. |
Can I invite candidates without sending their personally identifiable information (PII) to Criteria? | No, Criteria requires the candidate's name and email address in order to send them the invitation email. |
How do I get started with the integration?
Are you an existing Criteria Platform customer? To enable the integration, please contact our Customer Success Team.
Interesting in becoming a customer? Then speak to our sales team today.
Working with your integration
Already have an active integration between your Ashby account and Criteria? We have created a guide to help you make the most out of it. Click here to view the Integration Guide.