Change Your Team's Settings in Develop

Updated by Amy Thomas

If you are a Team Leader of a team in Develop, you can change the settings for your team.

  1. Go to your team's profile page.
  2. Under the team banner and title, you will see 4 tabs: About, TEAMscan, Team Personality and Team Settings. Members of your team will have access to the first three options but only you will see Team Settings.
  3. Click Team Settings.

There are three sections in Team Settings: Members, Surveys and General.


This tab lists all the employees who are members of your Develop team.

Add team members

To add a new team member click Invite.

Choice the invitation method you want to use:

  • Via Email: Enter the team member's name or email again, then click Send Invite. Develop will send them an invitation email directly.
  • Via Link: A unique link is generated. Click Copy Invite Link then paste into an email or send as a message to the new team member.

Change a team member's permission level

You can change a team member to be Team Leader. This may be because you are no longer the Team Leader and need to transfer the team over, or you are adding another Team Leader. (Develop Teams may have more than one Team Leader.)

Click Team Member in the Permissions column next to the person being updated.

Select Team Leader from the dropdown list, then click Confirm Changes in the popup message.

Next, if you need to change your own access to Team Member, click Team Leader next to your name. Select Team Member from the dropdown list, then click Confirm Changes in the popup message. It is important that you change your own access after selecting the new Team Leader, as you will lose access to the Team Settings area once you are a Team Member.

Removing a team member

When a team member leaves the team, or your organization, you can remove them from the team. Click on their role type in the Permissions column, then select Remove from team.

Click Remove. The person will no longer be able to access information viewable only to the team or take this team's assessments.


In the Surveys tab, you can launch a TEAMscan survey and view the results for previous surveys.

Click Launch TEAMscan to start a new survey for your team to complete. To learn more about the TEAMscan, click See dimensions.

The table provides an overview of the TEAMscan surveys completed by your team. You can view the full results for a completed survey by clicking ... to the right of the survey and selecting View Results.

The survey results for that TEAMscan will appear in the TEAMscan tab of your team's profile.


In the General tab you can update your team's name and department.

  • Click Edit Team Name to change your team's name. Click Save.
  • Click Edit Department and select a different department from the dropdown list. Click Save.

You can select who in your organization can view your team guide and your TEAMscan results.

  • To the right of Team visibility, click Public and select Private from the dropdown menu. Your selection will be automatically saved. If this is set to Private, you can change this to Public by selecting this here.
  • To the right of Who can see TEAMscan results? click the arrow and select a different option from the dropdown list. Your selection will be automatically saved.
    • Anyone in this organization
    • Only team members on this team (including department leaders and admin)
    • Only me (including department leaders and admin)

If the team is no longer required, it can be deactivated here. (For example, the team was created for a project group, which has finished its assigned task.) Click Deactivate Team. This will permanently delete all information on this team guide and remove this team from the company directory. Click Deactivate Team in the popup message. Once a team has been deactivated, it cannot be retrieved.

Returning to your team's Profile page

To return to your team's profile page, click Go to team guide in the top banner. This will take you directly to the About tab for your team.

You can also click the <- Back button, however this takes you back to the previous tab you accessed. If you have been navigating around the Team Settings area, viewing several tabs, clicking Go to team guide will return you to the team profile area more quickly.

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