Adding and Updating Users Via Single Sign-On

Updated by Sean Welch

Adding new users

When we set up the integration between your Single Sign-On (SSO) provider and your Criteria account, we sent you a custom login URL to enable your SSO provider to authenticate the integration. You can continue using this URL to add new users to your Criteria account. Here's how:

  1. Add the new user to your SSO account and assign them access to Criteria. You do not need to add them directly into your Criteria account as well.
  2. Have the new user login using your custom login URL. A new Criteria user account will be created for them automatically.
    1. This new account will come with the User Access Role by default. You can edit this user later to change their access to other parts of Criteria. You will also need to share any relevant jobs with them. Click here to learn more.
  3. Once the new user's access has been set up, they can access your Criteria account by going to your company login page and using their SSO credentials to log in. If you are unsure of your login page, please contact our Support Team.

Deactivating users

Our SSO implementation does not currently support SCIM. This means that when a user is deactivated in your SSO provider account, while they will no longer be able to access Criteria if your account has SSO hard-enabled, their Criteria account is not automatically deactivated. We recommend deactivating the user in Criteria as well. Click here for instructions on how to do this.

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