General FAQs on ATS Integrations

Updated by Integrations Team

The following will help to answer some questions you have around your integration.

Every integration works slightly differently due to the different ways that ATSs work and the features that the ATS has chosen to allow assessment providers to interact with in their system. Please refer to the guides for your specific integration for specific information about how your integration works.

How do ATS integrations work?

Every integration works slightly differently. The following outlines the "general" functionality of an ATS integration. Refer to the documentation for your specific ATS to see its unique workflow.

All integrations support Criteria Assessments. Not all integrations support Video Interviewing and Live Interviewing. Refer to the specific ATS documentation to see if your ATS supports these features. Criteria are working to add this support to all integrations, please reach out to your Criteria CSM if you wish to use a feature that is not supported in your ATS and we'll endeavor to add it to our roadmap.


This shows the general workflow that we aim to implement for each integration. The capabilities and functionality of each ATS differs greatly so please refer to the Integration Guides to see the actual workflow for a specific ATS

  • Criteria package is available in the ATS
  • Customer assigns a Criteria package to a candidate and the ATS notifies Criteria about the candidate to invite
  • Criteria creates a candidate in the appropriate Criteria Job, according to the provided Criteria package.
    • The candidate name and email comes from the ATS.
    • The candidate is invited to the testing in the Incoming stage of the Criteria Job.
    • Generally the invitation email will be sent from Criteria, using the email template in the Job Settings.
    • The other default info from Job Settings is used e.g. expiry date, time adjustments
  • The candidate will complete in the Criteria candidate experience
  • When the event is fully completed, the results and score report are sent to the ATS. The report link and whatever scores the ATS can handle will be displayed in the ATS. We aim to display the Talent Signal, Met All Score ranges and the overall score (percentile/raw score) per test as well as any Invalid indictors. This is all dependent on the capabilities of the ATS. Some ATSs will allow the candidates to be sorted/filtered by their Talent Signal.

Video Interviewing (inc. Video + Assessments together)

  • Criteria VI package is available in the ATS
  • Customer assigns a Criteria package to a candidate and the ATS notifies Criteria about the candidate to invite
  • Criteria creates a candidate in the appropriate Criteria Job, according to the provided Criteria package.
    • The candidate name and email comes from the ATS.
    • The candidate is invited to the Video Interview in the Incoming stage of the Criteria Job.
    • Generally the invitation email will be sent from Criteria, using the email template in the Job Settings.
    • The other default info from Job Settings is used e.g. expiry date, time adjustments
  • The candidate will complete the Video Interview via the Criteria candidate experience
  • When the candidate completes the video interview, the assigned evaluators are emailed by Criteria with their link to the Criteria platform to complete their evaluation. The evaluators must be Criteria Platform users and login to the platform to complete their evaluation.
  • The ATS will be provided updates once the candidate completes, and when each evaluator completes, to advise the status is 'evaluation in progress' and where possible they are updated as to how many evaluators have completed e.g., '1 of 2 Completed'.
    • At this stage, if there is capacity for it, we include the evaluator link or the interim Score Report (which includes the evaluator link) in the ATS. The Evaluator link is a link to the VI tab in the Criteria Platform dashboard to give the evaluator quick access to the evaluation directly from the ATS.
    • When the package contains Assessment and Video Interviewing together, if there is capacity for it, we also show the Assessment results and the Talent Signal (only taking the Assessment scores into consideration) in the ATS at this this. This allows the customer to start to shortlist candidates prior to the video evaluations.
  • When the minimum number of evaluators have completed, the results and score report are sent to the ATS. The report link and whatever scores the ATS can handle will be displayed in the ATS. We aim to display the overall VI score and the recommendations on-screen.
    • When the package contains Assessments and Video Interviewing together, the scores from both Assessments and Video Interviewing will be displayed at this time (within the limitations of the ATS).
  • If an additional evaluator completes, the results and score are sent to the ATS, if the ATS accepts further updates, the report and results will be updated in the ATS. If the ATS does not accept further updates, the results shown in the ATS will be unchanged.

Live Interviewing

  • Criteria LI package is available in the ATS
  • Customer arranges interview with candidates via their ATS
  • Customer assigns a Criteria package to a candidate and the ATS notifies Criteria about the candidate to invite
  • Criteria creates a candidate in the appropriate Criteria Job, according to the provided Criteria package.
    • The candidate name and email comes from the ATS.
    • The candidate is invited to the Live Interview in the Incoming stage of the Criteria Job.
    • As this is a Live Interview and there is no action for the candidate to take at this time, no email is sent to the candidate
    • Criteria emails the evaluators the link to complete the Live Interview in the Criteria LI system
  • The evaluators use the unique link in the invitation email to go to the LI system and complete the interview and evaluation.
  • The ATS will be provided updates when each evaluator completes, to advise the status is 'evaluation in progress' and where possible they are updated as to how many evaluators have completed e.g., '1 of 2 Completed'.
  • There is no generic link for LI so there is no link for us to provide to evaluators via the ATS
  • When the minimum number of evaluators has completed, the results and score report are sent to the ATS. The report link and whatever scores the ATS can handle will be displayed in the ATS. We aim to display the overall VI score and the recommendations on-screen.
  • If an additional evaluator completes, the results and score are sent to the ATS, if the ATS accepts further updates, the report and results will be updated in the ATS.

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How do I configure my Jobs in Criteria for use in my integration?

Integrations only use the Incoming stage in Criteria Jobs. You should create a separate Criteria Job for each assessment combination that you wish to use in your integration and add all the test(s) and interview to the Incoming stage in each Job.

Configure the Job Settings with all the settings you'd like to be applied when candidates are invited via the integration e.g. landing and exit pages, email templates, expiry date etc. Integrations do not use the Criteria pipeline so the other stages in the Job will be ignored.

When your integration processes a candidate invitation the candidate will be invited to the assessment(s) configuration in the Incoming stage and the Job Settings will be used to apply all the configuration to the new Criteria candidate.

When your integration invites the same candidate to another assessment package / Criteria Job, the same logic will be used to invite the candidate to the Incoming configuration from the new assessment package. The candidate will now exist in 2 separate Jobs in Criteria.

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What appears as the "assessment packages" in my ATS?

Most integrations will display a list of Criteria assessments packages within your ATS. These may be called different things and may be chosen in different locations within the ATS, or perhaps they are chosen within Criteria platform directly for your integration.

The majority of integrations use the active Jobs in Criteria as these assessment packages. However, some use the Criteria Test Battery as the assessment packages. Refer to the guide for your specific ATS to determine how your integration works.

When you choose to invite a candidate to a Criteria assessment package, Criteria will invite the candidates to the test(s) and/or interview that is configured in the Incoming stage of the corresponding Criteria Job.

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How do I update the "assessment package" in my ATS?

Great question, each integration is different. Some integrations pull in the list automatically when it's needed, others have a Sync button in Criteria for you to update the packages after making changes to your Criteria Jobs, and some are managed manually within your ATS.

Refer to the guide for your integration to see how this works for you.

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Why aren't the candidates moving through the Criteria pipeline?

When you have an integration with Criteria, our aim is to allow you to "live" in your ATS without you having to come into the Criteria platform much / at all.

The candidate will not progress through the pipeline within Criteria, they will remain in the Incoming stage.

Instead, you should use your ATS pipeline to progress candidates.

Sometimes your ATS will support the integration automatically progressing candidates through your ATS pipeline, or sometimes you need to set up automation in your ATS to use the Criteria scores to progress the candidate to the next stage when the Criteria results appear.

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How do I resend an invitation/reminder email to a candidate?

If Criteria has sent the invitation email, you can check the status of the email to see if it was Delivered , Opened, Clicked or Bounced.

To see this, locate the candidate in Criteria and go to the Notes & History tab. If there is an entry labeled Invitation email sent, that indicates that Criteria sent the email. The status will be shown on the right.

If the status is Bounced, update the email address in Criteria before re-sending the invitation email.

When using an integration, it is important that you do not use the 'Send Test Invitation' option to make a new invitation as that will create a non-integrated event and the candidates' results will not flow into your ATS. Instead, you need to direct the candidate to complete the existing pending event that is linked to your ATS so the results flow into your ATS.

To send another invitation / reminder email, locate the candidate in Criteria and go to the Pending Events tab and click the ellipses (3-dots icon) and select Remind Candidate.

Choose the email template to use and click Send Email.

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How do I extend the expiry date for my candidates?

This is dependent on your ATS integration. Refer to the documentation for your specific ATS to find out where the expiry date is managed for your integration. If it does not specify, you can assume that the expiry date is managed by Criteria.

In most cases the expiry date is managed by Criteria, so you need to login to the Criteria platform to extend the candidate.

To do this, locate the candidate, go to the Pending Events tab and click the ellipses (3-dots icon) and select Extend Expiration.

It is important that you extend the existing invitation as this is the event that is associated with your ATS and the IDs that make the integration work exist on this event. If you make a new event, it will not be associated with your ATS, and the candidate results will not flow into your ATS.

If you wish to notify the candidate, you can use the same ellipses menu to Remind Candidate of Assessments to send an email to the candidate with their testing link. If your email template contains the expiry date, the new expiry date will be displayed to the candidate.

If your ATS manages the expiry date in your integration, you should extend the expiry date from within your ATS.

In this situation, you will usually have no expiry date set in Criteria to ensure that the expiry only exists in one system, however, if you have set an expiry date in Criteria, it will need to be extended there too.

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How do I invite a candidate to a time adjustment test?

The candidate should be invited via your integration to a Package that has been pre-configured with additional time. This is done by setting up a "time adjusted" Job in Criteria with a Time Adjustment set and then adding this as a package into your ATS. When a candidate requires an adjustment, they should be invited to that package.

If you invite the candidate manually via Criteria and view their results in Criteria, the results will not flow into Oracle.

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How are reports displayed in my ATS?

Typically, an integration supports 2 report formats:

  1. PDF - supported in all integrations
  2. HTML - Dynamic Score Report (DSR) - supported in most integrations. Does not support Video Interviewing and Live Interviewing (coming soon).

These report formats are open links and do not require any authentication from the user to access the report.

If you are using the DSR, the initial page will display a summary of the results and then you can drill down into each test individually (similar to how you would view results in the Criteria platform). The Summary Report PDF and individual test Score Report PDFs may be downloaded from each page within the DSR. The Workplace Insights Report may be enabled within the DSR upon request.

If you are using PDF format, the PDF may just contain the Score Report(s) or may also include other reports depending on the configuration on your Criteria account.

It may contain:

  • Summary Report (if enabled)
  • Score Report for all completed tests / interviews (always)
  • Workplace Insights Report (if enabled, and if a report exists for the candidate)
  • Work Style Report (if enabled, and if a report exists for the candidate)

Reach out to Criteria Support if you wish to change your report format or change what is included in your PDF report.

Some integrations offer some additional options:

  • Summary Report Only - If you just wish to see the Summary Report and nothing else within the PDF, this is supported in quite a few integrations, reach out to Criteria Support if you'd like to use this report option.
  • Authentication Required - If you wish for your uses to be authenticated before they access the full score data, quite a few integrations support the report link being replaced with a link to the Candidate profile in the Criteria platform. This enforces authentication with the Criteria platform before the results may be viewed. Reach out to Criteria Support if you'd like to use this report option.

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Why are the test results delayed for Illustrait?

The Illustrait test has complex calculations to perform to generate the candidate score. The scoring of the Illustrait test usually takes 5-15 minutes. The results will not be sent to your ATS for the package until the scoring is completed.

If you are noticing a delay in the results being returned to your ATS, try to include Illustrait as the first test in your Criteria Test Battery so candidates complete it first and it may be marked by the time the other tests in the package are completed.

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