Criteria Score Report Options
Criteria offers several different types of report for viewing your candidates' assessment results.
Reports for your hiring team:
- Candidate Summary Report: provides an overview of how the candidate performed in each test.
- Score Report: provides more detailed information about the candidate’s performance in a particular test.
- Download Report: create custom downloadable spreadsheets that contain the information you need about your candidates' assessment and video interview results, as well as their application responses. Click here to learn more.
Click here if you are interested in learning more about downloading a spreadsheet of your candidates' application details. Please note that this report will not include their assessment results.
Reports for the candidate:
- Workplace Insights Report: automatically provide your candidates with some feedback when they complete relevant tests.
Note: We advise against sending candidates the Summary and Score reports, as these contain information to help you with your recruitment decision and some of the details may be confusing to candidates.
Candidate Summary Report
The Candidate Summary Report provides a high level overview of the candidate’s performance across each test so you can easily see how each candidate has performed. It’s ideal for people who want a quick summary and don’t require more in-depth information about the candidate’s performance on each individual test.
You can have a copy of the report automatically emailed to you as soon as your candidate completes the assessments and it can be viewed in the candidate card in your Criteria account.
Each assessment that the candidate has completed is included in the Summary Report. Key details relating to the candidate’s results are provided; these depend on the type of test completed.
- Overall Rating or Results Summary
- Score Details
Score Report
Score Reports show the detailed results for one test, and give you more information about how they’ve performed in that particular test. Each Score Report is slightly different, depending on the nature of the assessment, but they share several common elements. They are ideal if you want to:
- Better understand how the candidate has performed on different aspects of the test, e.g. for the Criteria Cognitive Aptitude Test (CCAT) - how well they scored on the problem-solving, mathematical and verbal components and what their results mean.
- Focus on certain aspects of their performance in an interview, e.g. areas they may not have performed as well in.
- Get interview questions (for some tests).
You can have a copy of these reports automatically emailed to you as soon as your candidate completes the assessments and they can be viewed in the candidate card in your Criteria account.
You can view an example report for each of the different assessments by clicking on the assessment pages in the Test Portfolio. Click here to view guides for interpreting the Score Reports.
The candidate’s details are provided at the top of the page. Beneath this are the name of the assessment, a brief overview of the test and the candidate’s Results Summary.

The Results Details and Score Details sections break down the candidate’s performance in the test and provide more information regarding what the results mean.

The Score Report for the Employee Personality Profile provides a high level summary of the candidate’s performance in this assessment.
- Score Explanation: the extent to which the candidate relates to the 12 traits measured by the assessment and what these traits indicate.
- Criteria Job Family Matches: Criteria created a set of job families based on compiled profiles. This section of the report shows you how well each candidate matches against the requirements for successful performance in each job family, making it easy to see how well suited the candidate’s personality is for different types of roles.
- Interview Questions: based on the candidate’s answering pattern, these are some suggested questions to ask during an interview. The questions allow you to hone in on particular traits to get more specific information from your candidate during an interview.
- Validity and Response Style: represent the individual’s level of attention to the meaning of EPP statements (Inconsistent Responding) and tendency toward positive (Self-Enhancing) or negative (Self-Critical) self-presentation.
Workplace Insights Report
The Workplace Insights Report provides candidates with immediate, direct feedback about the assessments they have completed. Currently Criteria provide these reports for Cognify and Employee Personality Profile, with more reports being developed for other assessments.
This feature can be enabled for your account by an Admin user in Company Preferences. You can also turn this option on and off at the job level. Click here for more information.
If turned on, candidates who complete an assessment that has a Workplace Insights Report available will automatically receive a copy of this report as soon as they have completed all the assessments you have invited them to do.
The Workplace Insights report does not provide your candidates with their specific results but focuses on the candidate’s strengths for their personal understanding and development.

You can view your candidates' Workplace Insights Report in your account and send a copy to the candidate by clicking the “Send to Candidate” button.

We recommend using the Workplace Insights Report to facilitate the on-boarding process and to develop your new employee in their role.
Candidate completion notifications
You can set your account to send you an email as each candidate completes the assessments you have sent them. In your User Preferences, select the option that suits you.
- Send me Score Reports When a candidate finishes a test event, you will receive PDF attachments of the score reports.
- Send me Candidate Summaries When a candidate finishes a test event, you will receive a single PDF with a summary of the test results.
- Send me a notice When a candidate finishes a test event, you will receive a notice via email. You can then log in to Criteria to view the score reports.
- Do not notify me You will not be notified when a candidate completes a test event. You can always log in to Criteria to view new results.
If you are running a large recruitment project, such as a graduate recruitment campaign, you may want to turn notification emails off during the testing phase, or select to only receive Candidate Summary Reports.