Accommodating Accessibility Requirements for Video Interviews
Our one-way video interviewing tool helps you to create a structured interview process that’s objective, fair and minimizes bias.
At times, however, you may need to make a reasonable adjustment to the video interview to accommodate a candidate's needs. A reasonable adjustment is a change made to the interview which removes or reduces disadvantages experienced by candidates living with a disability, so they have an equal opportunity to perform as other candidates.
When you create a video interview template in your Criteria account, you can adjust the Prep Time, Answer Time and Number of Attempts you want to give your candidates for each question. These becomes the standard response options for your candidates when they complete that video interview.

To make adjustments to an individual candidate's Prep Time, Answer Time and Number of Attempts allowed, the candidate needs to have been invited to complete the video interview, but not yet clicked on the link in their invitation email to start the interview. In other words, their status in the Video Interviewing pipeline stage must be Invited.*
In your Criteria account, go to the Results tab for the job and open the Video Interview pipeline stage.

Locate the candidate who requires the adjustment and click on their candidate record. Locate the Pending Events tab if it has not automatically opened.

Click on ... to the right of the pending interview and select "Edit Response Options".

Make the required changes to the candidate's Prep Time, Answer Time and Number of Attempts for each question. Click "Save".

Once the confirmation message appears, you can close the video interview modal.

Advise your candidate that they can access their video interview. When your candidate opens their video interview they will be given the adjusted response options.
* If your candidate is In Progress, please contact the Criteria Support Team to request an adjustment on behalf of your candidate. This will need to be actioned in the back end of the system so we will advise once the candidate can complete their video interview for you.