About the Workplace Insights Report
What is the Workplace Insights Report?
The Workplace Insights Report (WIR) provides an overview of an individual’s personalized results from completing the Employee Personality Profile (EPP). The helps individuals heighten their self-awareness, identify opportunities for growth and development, and understand how to relate better to others in the workplace.
When people complete the personality assessment, we compare their personality across ten traits to the general population of other people who have completed the assessment. These traits are:
- Achievement - Reflects an individual’s ability to follow through and complete tasks and to achieve specific goals. It is also related to the amount of interest that a person has in intellectual or conceptual work.
- Assertiveness - Provides a gauge of an individual’s directness in expressing himself or herself and in dealing with others.
- Competitiveness - Reflects the need to win, to perform better than others, or to surpass standards of achievement or performance.
- Conscientiousness - An indicator of a person’s tendencies with respect to being deliberate, self-disciplined, organized and dependable.
- Cooperativeness - Indicates a person’s level of comfort in working closely with others and in taking the lead from others.
- Extroversion - Indicates the degree to which a person sees himself or herself as socially outgoing.
- Motivation - Intended to represent a person’s inner drive, commitment to achieve, and the strength of inner emotions, needs, and values.
- Openness - Measures the extent to which an individual is imaginative and creative, as opposed to down to earth and conventional.
- Patience - Indicates a person’s ability to effectively cope with frustration encountered in completing tasks or in conflict-laden situations.
- Self-Confidence - An indicator of the level of confidence and self assurance an individual brings to his or her work.
What is a notable trait?
When people complete the personality assessment, we compare their personality across each of the ten traits to the general population of other people who have completed the assessment. A person’s notable traits are those with a score furthest away from the general population. These traits are likely to be the most prominent or noticeable in that person since their results are the most different to those of the general population. They're often the kinds of traits that people who know an individual well would name as their most distinctive characteristics.

Understanding the spider graph
The spider graph shows where the individual scored for each of the ten traits, in relation to the general population, which is indicated by the darker dotted line in the graph. When the graph plot is near the edge, this indicates that the individual has scored high in a trait; when the graph plot is closer to the middle, this indicates that the individual scored low in that trait compared to the general population.

In the example above, Jimmy scored highly in Self-Confidence, Motivation and Assertiveness and low in Patience, Openness and Conscientiousness.
Are the personality profiles in Talent Insights an accurate reflection of me/my teams?
Talent Insights uses Criteria’s Employee Personality Profile (EPP) to generate a profile of individuals and teams. The EPP has been extensively validated and results have also been shown to be statistically reliable, meaning that the test measures traits that are generally stable across an individual’s life. When reviewing results, keep in mind that assessment results are based on responses provided by the individual or team. We always recommend you view the results in light of all available data, for example, what you know about a person’s job performance and additional available metrics.
Viewing other team members' Workplace Insights Report
Users have the option to share their Workplace Insights Report with everyone in their team, their team leads only, or to make their report not visible. This report will only be visible to you if the user has elected to share it.
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