Ashby Integration Guide

Activating the Integration
Implementation Process
Here are the steps to implement the integration between your Ashby and Criteria accounts.
- You will generate the API Key in Ashby for Criteria Corp.
- Contact your Criteria Customer Success Manager and provide API Key from Ashby.
- Criteria activates integration and generates a Criteria API key.
- Criteria will provide you with the Criteria API key.
- You will use the Admin panel in Ashby to enable the Criteria integration and enter the API key from Criteria.
- You will test integration to ensure it's all working correctly.
Generate API key in Ashby
Sign in to Ashby and click Admin in the top navigation bar.

Next, click Integrations on the left panel of the screen.

Select Criteria Corp and click +Enable Criteria Corp.

Select Ashby API Key and create a new API key. This is the only time the Key is displayed. Copy the Key and send it to your Criteria Customer Success Manager. You should also save the key somewhere secure for future reference.

Enable Criteria integration in Ashby
Criteria will provide you with an API key from Criteria, this is different from the API Key you generated in Ashby. Proceed with this process once you've received the API Key from Criteria.
In Ashby, navigate to Admin > Integrations, search for Criteria and click on the Criteria Corp listing.

Click Enable Criteria Corp.

Click on the Criteria Corp API Key field and paste in the API Key that Criteria provided to you. It will be a string of letters and numbers. It will look similar to the Ashby API Key, but it will be a bit shorter.

Click the refresh (circular arrows) icon to validate the API Key and check you see a green popup on the screen that says it was tested successfully. Then click Update.

Note: the following message will appear if the API key is invalid and was not successfully verified. Check that you have entered the API Key that was provided by Criteria (not the Ashby API Key that you created). Check that there is not an extra space at the beginning or end of the API key that you pasted in. If everything seems to have been done correctly, contact Criteria for assistance.

Click on the Ashby API Key field and choose the Criteria Integration API key that you created previously.

If you can see a field called Staging Base URL, leave this field blank.
The integration is now connected and ready to be used.
Using the Integration
Configure Criteria Package in Job
In a Job, click on the Interview Plans menu.

In the Stage that you'd like to add Criteria testing, click the + Activity link.

In the Add Activity popup, click Criteria Corp.

Choose the appropriate Criteria package from the drop down menu, then click Add.

The Criteria activity has now been added.

If you would like this Assessment to be triggered automatically once the candidate has been moved into the Stage, go to the Automation tab and tick the box. You will not have to manually click the Start Assessment button for this Stage.

Criteria Corp Assessment will be shown as an activity in the chosen Stage in the Interview Plan.

Trigger Testing on Status Change
Move a candidate into the Stage of the Interview Plan associated with Criteria testing. A candidate may be moved into this Stage individually or you may bulk move several candidates at the same time.
If you have enabled automation on the Stage, Ashby will automatically request the testing from Criteria as soon as they enter this Stage. The Start Assessment button will be visible for a few seconds, do not press this, wait for Ashby to trigger it automatically to ensure the candidate is only invited once.
If you have not enabled automation on this stage, click the Start Assessment button and Criteria will be notified to invite the candidate.

If the assessment hasn't been issued yet, the status will be Ready to be started.

When you click Start Assessment, a popup will appear with the Criteria package from the Stage pre-selected. In most cases you will want to keep the package the same, however if this candidate is to complete a different package e.g. with a time adjustment, you can change it here. Click Start.

A popup will appear to indicate the assessment request has been successfully sent to Criteria.

Once Criteria receives the request (via automation or Start Assessment button), Criteria will send the candidate an invitation email. The Job Settings in Criteria will be used to set the expiry date, choose the email template, etc. Criteria will send a reminder email to the candidate 24 hours before the expiry date or 2 days after invitation, as per the settings in your Criteria account.

Expanding the Criteria Corp Assessment section on the candidate in Ashby will now indicate that status of Request Sent and the date/time that occurred.

Trigger Testing manually
If you would like a candidate to complete another Criteria package, navigate to that candidate in Ashby and click the New Activity button and choose Assessment.

Choose Criteria Corp as the assessment provider and then select the relevant Criteria package from the Assessment Type drop-down list. Click Add Activity.

Once the activity has been added to the candidate, click the Start Assessment button to trigger the testing with Criteria.

Status Updates and Results
Once a candidate has completed their assessments, the results will be available in Ashby immediately.
The Talent Signal will be shown as the main overall score. Hover over the i (information) icon next to the Talent Signal to see if the candidate met the score ranges.
The main score from each assessment will be displayed. Hover over the i (information) icon next to the scores to see additional information.

If you have opted to not receive scores in Ashby, the display will just include the report link, and a Testing Completed message.

If you have opted to only receive the score ranges information in Ashby, not actual scores, the display will just include the report link, and a Testing Completed message which includes the score range result e.g. In Range.

Video Interviews
Once a candidate has completed the Video Interview, a status update will be sent to Ashby to advise you. The status will show Evaluation in Progress while the evaluators are completing their evaluations.

If multiple evaluations are required, progress updates will be provided via Ashby e.g. Evaluation in Progress - 1 of 3 Completed.
The numbers in the status message indicate the number of evaluations already completed and the number of evaluations required before a score is generated.

The evaluator can select the View in Criteria Corp link to be taken to the Criteria Platform to complete the evaluation.
Once the minimum number of evaluations are completed, the results will be available in Ashby. The status will be shown as Completed and the Video Percentile score will be shown. Click the View in Criteria Corp link to open the Criteria score report for this candidate.
Hover your mouse over the i (information) icon next to the Video Interview score to see the evaluator Recommendations.
If additional evaluations are received, the results will be updated on-screen in Ashby and in the report as they are completed.

If you have opted to not receive scores in Ashby, the display will just include the report link, and a Testing Completed message.

Live Interviews
Once the first person has completed their Live Interview evaluation, a status update will be sent to Ashby to advise you. The status will show Evaluation in Progress while you're waiting for the other evaluator(s) to complete their evaluation.
If multiple evaluations are required, progress updates will be provided via Ashby each time an evaluation is submitted e.g. Evaluation in Progress - 2 of 3 Completed.
The numbers in the status message indicate the number of evaluations already completed and the number of evaluations required before a score is generated.

The evaluator can select the View in Criteria Corp link to be taken to the Criteria Platform to complete the evaluation.

Once the minimum number of evaluations are completed, the results will be available in Ashby. The status will be shown as Completed and the Video Percentile score will be shown. Click the View in Criteria Corp link to open the Criteria score report for this candidate.
If additional evaluations are received, the results will be updated on-screen in Ashby and in the report as they are completed.

Hover your mouse over the i (information) icon next to the Video Interview score to see the evaluator Recommendations.

Cancel Testing
You can cancel Criteria testing from within Ashby. This might be done if the candidate email address was incorrect, the wrong assessment package was selected, or the candidate withdraws their application.
When you cancel the testing from Ashby, the candidate will be deleted from Criteria. Criteria will not notify the candidate that their testing has been cancelled. The candidate will see an on-screen error about their event ID being invalid if they attempt to use the link in their invitation email once it has been cancelled.

Once cancelled, you can re-issue the testing from Ashby, if required.
To cancel testing, click the 3-dots next to the Criteria Corp Assessment entry in the relevant candidate, and choose Cancel Assessment.

Once Cancel Assessment is selected, you can re-issue the testing from Ashby by selecting Start Assessment again. The invitation email will be sent to the candidate again once Start Assessment is selected.

Disable Integration
If you do not wish to use the Criteria integration anymore, you can deactivate the integration from within Ashby. Please also notify Criteria so the integration can be disabled on your Criteria account too.
You cannot disable the integration until you update all your Job workflows to no longer include Criteria packages. If you do attempt do disable the integration while Criteria is still associated, an error will appear to indicate which jobs need to be edited before you can proceed with the Criteria disable process.

In Ashby, navigate to Admin > Integrations, search for 'Criteria' and click on the Criteria Corp listing.

Click the Deactivate link.

Click Deactivate Criteria Corp button.

The integration configuration will be removed and it will go back to the pre-enabled view.

This process will also deactivate the API key that was used by the Criteria Corp integration.